How Much Longer Do Metal Roofs Last Than Shingle Roofs?

When replacing your home’s roof, key considerations are longevity and durability. You want a roof that will last, rather than needing to replace is again in 10-15 years. Metal roofs are more durable and longer-lasting than asphalt shingle roofs. Here’s a comparison of their lifespans:

Metal Roof Lifespan

  • 30-50 years or more
  • Standard Asphalt Shingle Roof Lifespan
  • 15-25 years

On average, properly installed metal roofs last 2-3 times longer than asphalt before needing replacement. With some metal roofs lasting 50+ years, the roof over your head could be the last one you ever buy.

Reasons for Metal’s Longevity

There are several reasons metal roofing lasts so much longer than asphalt shingles:

Durable Materials

Metal roofing is comprised of steel, aluminum and other metals that maintain their integrity. Asphalt shingles use more fragile materials that break down more quickly.

Weather Resistance

Metal stands up well to all weather conditions – from intense heat to freezing cold, from high winds to pounding rain.

Hail Resistance

Falling hail damages and dents asphalt shingles, while metal roofing is much more resistant. The resilience of metal prevents hail from degrading it over time.

No Curling or Cracking

Asphalt shingles can become brittle and crack over years of sun exposure. Heat also makes the ends curl up. Metal maintains its form without cracking or warping from the elements.

No Melting

Hot summer sun and heat waves can cause asphalt shingles to soften and melt, damaging their waterproofing. Metal withstands any heat without deterioration.

Fire Resistance

Metal roofs do not burn, whereas asphalt and wood shingles can catch fire.

No Hairline Fractures

Asphalt shingles develop tiny cracks over time that allow water intrusion. Metal has no hidden fractures eating away at integrity.

Choosing Longevity

For homeowners who value getting the longest roof life possible for their investment, metal is the clear choice. You avoid repeat expensive roof tear-offs and replacements, saving money over the long run. Schedule your free roof inspection from Zone 5 and learn more about maximizing the lifespan of your home’s roof.

Published On: 05/15/2024Categories: BlogBy